Survey conditions including visibility for this
reef check were pretty good because of the season.
There have been no major changes in corals since the
last reef check conducted 6 months ago. However, the
number of fish and invertebrates was lower than 6
months ago maybe because it was winter.
There has been no major change since the last reef
check conducted 6 months ago. Average live coral
coverage was about 20 %. About 40 coral species were
identified. Small corymbose type Acropora were
impressive here, and they have grown favorably. In
our opinion, these Acropora will become the dominant
species and change coral coverage here by the next
reef check (February, 2001). No bleaching or disease
was found. Little damage by shellfish was seen.
Average live coral coverage was about 40 %. Many
of the coral were the rock-encrusting type. The
dominant species was Echinopora lamellosa (the
rock-encrusting type, not platelike type or
foliaceous type). No bleaching or disease was found.
A few Acropora of about 30cm in diameter have been
eaten by 6 Drupella fragum. Additionally,
several areas of the coral, each about 10cm2, have
been damaged by shellfish.
Average live coral coverage was about 20 %.
More than 40 coral species were identified. No
particular species was dominant, and each species was
evenly represented. Several species of Acropora (size
10-20cm diameter, corymbose type) were confirmed in
many places,which was impressive. Favia and Porites
were there, too. No bleaching or disease was found.
Little damage by shellfish was sighted.
Average live coral coverage was about 40 %. The
dominant species was Echinopora lamellosa.
The next dominant coral species were Favia and
Platygyra. Small corymbose typed Acropora were also
confirmed but fewer than were found in the 3m line
survey. No bleaching or disease was found. Little
damage by shellfish was sighted.